Consulting & Due Diligence

Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Insights to improve marketability


Consulting & Due Diligence

Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Insights to improve marketability

Ursus Maritime Capital works with Bank, Private Equities, Alternative Investors, and Environmental Impact Investor funds on a variety of energy efficiency and emissions projects. 

Environmental Due Diligence consulting is increasingly becoming a key metric for many new fund deployment. Ursus has experience that can ensure the projects you are working on meet your CSR standards beyond just words.

New Regulation Compliance and their impact on an asset can be difficult to navigate for many financial institutions, especially when investing in smaller shipowner outfits without their own in house experts. Ursus can work with you to ensure your assets remain competitive in a rapidly changing regulatory environment, and help you manage the impact such changes will have on your bottom line and on the future competitiveness and marketability of your portfolio.

Energy Efficiency Improvements of Stranded Assets is a key facet of our work with financial institutions with large problem and non-performing and seized portfolios. Rather than let an asset sit idle due to being inefficient in a difficult market, we can help you effectively bring the asset back to profitably trading with targeting specific key fuel efficiency improvements and helping select appropriate 3rd party ship managers.

Risk Management

Minimize the risk of Obsolescence from a changing environment 

Risk Management

Minimize the risk of Obsolescence from a changing environment 

Ursus Maritime Capital can work with financial institution to properly manage the financial risks from investing in ships at a time of increasing pressure to reduce emissions. 

A ship built today will very likely need to operate 90% more efficiently than today in order to be allowed to keep trading. Let Ursus help you take the right steps in not overpaying for the wrong assets.

A ship built today will likely be obsolete well before its useful life, a dynamic that can drastically impact asset values. Working with Ursus can help you minimize this risk by effectively forecasting the impact future regulations may have, and working to safeguard your investment. We can work with you to ensure that your customers and their ships are taking the right steps to minimize the financial impact of regulatory change, or even work to gain financially by being frontrunners in the market

Green Financing

Project Sourcing & Funding

Green Financing

Project Sourcing & Funding

Beyond Ursus' own emissions and energy efficiency project funding, Ursus Maritime Capital can work with you to source forward-looking projects in the maritime industry, and help you in structuring such an investment in several ways, whether than be secured debt, leasing, mezzanine debt, and equity.

Ursus can also help your company identify opportunities to work with governmental or other programs available to reduce your projects risk and costs, increasing margins for you or reducing costs to your customers. We seek out "Green" grants, export credits, first-loss guarantors, and other such partners for your investments. When combined with our Due Diligence work, we can offer a turn key solution for financiers.